
Last updated: NOVEMBER 2002

MISSION STATEMENT: The Duke Park Neighborhood Association is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all Duke Park Neighbors through partnerships, community events, and direct action.


Section 1. The name of this association shall be the Duke Park Neighborhood Association (DPNA).

Section 2. The purposes of this association shall be to:
a) Identify, create, and encourage pride in our neighborhood. 
b) Preserve the history of one of Durham's oldest neighborhoods. 
c) Encourage care and beautification of homes, gardens, and parks in the neighborhood. 
d) Represent our neighborhood's common interests by working with government, schools, institutions, businesses, and other neighborhood and city/county organizations. 
e) Serve as a focal point for improvement and maintenance of facilities and institutions within and serving our neighborhood, such as parks, schools, greenways, public safety services. 
f) Provide an avenue for neighborhood social activities. 
g) Encourage and facilitate citizen participation in all issues affecting our neighborhood, including land use, zoning changes, traffic patterns, and street modifications.
h) Promote public welfare within our neighborhood.
i) Pursue other lawful purposes.

Section 3. This organization is and shall remain a non-profit organization and no part of the net earnings thereof shall inure to any individual member.

Section 4. This Association shall not endorse political candidates.


Section 1. The membership of this Association shall consist of any natural persons 18 years of age or older who reside or own property in this neighborhood and have paid annual dues. All members are voting members.

Section 2. Dues of this organization shall be established annually by the Board of Directors (BOD). Annual payment of dues is made to the Treasurer and establishes membership to the Association. All memberships expire each year on the day preceding the day of the Annual Meeting, unless renewed on or before the day of the Annual Meeting; new membership applications received later than 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting shall be treated as applications for the Association year beginning on the day of the Annual Meeting.

Section 3. The boundaries of the Duke Park Neighborhood Association are as follows: The northern boundary is contiguous with I-85 and the western boundary follows the westward turn of Ellerbe Creek (roughly between Ruffin and Rand Streets). The southern boundary follows the N&W Railroad tracks to an east-west line projected through the center of Dacian Avenue. The eastern boarder includes residential properties on both sides of Avondale Drive, Knox Street, Nancy Street, and Camden Avenue until its intersection with Colonial Street.


Section 1. The Duke Park Neighborhood Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors (BOD), which may act as an Executive Committee to take action in the name of the Association when prompt action appears desirable. The BOD shall meet at least quarterly, but preferably monthly.

Section 2. The BOD shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 2 to 4 Directors at Large, broadly representing the neighborhood, and elected by the membership at the Annual Meeting. Board members must reside within the Duke Park Neighborhood boundaries. Terms of service shall be one year. One Director at Large position shall be reserved for immediate past president or, if that individual is not available, for any past president or the immediate past officer willing to serve.

Section 3. A simple majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for doing business. Each Board Member shall be entitled to one vote. The business of the Board of Directors shall be accomplished by a majority vote of Board Members present and authorized to do business at a meeting of the Board. Policy positions to be presented at public meetings require and affirmative vote of at least four Board Members.

Section 4. To be eligible for elected office, a person must be a member.

Section 5. Board Members shall serve without compensation.

Section 6. The powers and duties of the BOD shall include:
a) Appointment of all standing and other committees and chairpersons thereof. This power can be delegated to the President. Committees shall derive direction from and report to the BOD. 
b) Appointment of all persons or organizations to serve the Association.
c) Filling of vacancies on the BOD until the next Annual Meeting.
d) Annual appointment of a delegate and an alternate delegate to the Inter-Neighborhood Council of Durham, either of whom shall be a current member of the BOD.
e) Annual appointment of a delegate to the Partners Against Crime (PAC 2).
f) Overseeing the nominations of future board members at an announced meeting of the Association at least thirty (30) days before the Annual Meeting. 
Note: Nominations of future board members must be made by members of the Association or the BOD. Each nomination must be seconded by at least one person. No individual may nominate himself or herself.
g) Interpretation of the by-laws. 
h) Expenditure of association funds not inconsistent with the by-laws.
i) Establishment of policy for the Association.
j) Dissolution of all committees; this power can be delegated to the President.

Section 7. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the BOD and shall perform such duties as directed by the Board.

Section 8. The Vice-President shall perform all duties as may be assigned by the President or BOD and shall preside in the absence of the President.

Section 9. The Secretary shall be the official custodian of all records of the Association, except those required to be kept by the Treasurer; shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the association and the BOD.

Section 10. The Treasurer shall keep and be responsible for all funds of the Association and shall keep the membership records. All funds shall be deposited promptly in an account in the name DPNA and shall be withdrawn only by the Treasurer or the President. The Treasurer shall provide regular reports to the BOD, as well as to the membership at the Annual Meeting.


Section 1. The Annual Meeting of the membership of the Association shall be held on the second Thursday in September. Written notice of this meeting shall be given at least three (3) days prior to such a meeting.

Section 2. Special meetings of the membership for any purpose may be called by the President or, in the President's absence, by the Vice-President. Written notice of all special meetings shall be given at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.

Section 3. Ten members of the Association shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business at any regular or special meeting of the membership. Each member shall be entitled to one vote and decisions will be made by simple majority. Only current members may vote; no proxy or absentee voting shall be permitted. After two successive meetings of the membership, held with due notice, at which a quorum is not obtained, howsoever many members as may attend the third meeting shall constitute a quorum. There shall be no cumulative voting.


The Association year shall end on the second Wednesday of September and begin on the second Thursday of September at the Annual Meeting. For accounting purposes, the Association year shall also be called the Fiscal year.


The BOD shall adopt rules of procedure, as they deem necessary to ensure free, open, and orderly discussion.


These by-laws may be amended by a simple majority vote of the Association at a regular or special meeting, after approval by a simple majority of the BOD.


In the event that DPNA becomes inactive or dissolves, all money in the general fund shall be distributed to a tax-exempt community oriented institution or organization. At the time of dissolution, the majority of the members of the Association must approve this distribution of funds.